Qualified Psychological Evaluators

Providing forensic evaluations for civil and criminal proceedings

woman holding sword statue during daytime
woman holding sword statue during daytime
cars on road near building during daytime
cars on road near building during daytime

A Focused Practice

We are not all things to all people. We must decline some opportunities so that we can provide an excellent product to those we do serve. We assist with:

Criminal Matters

  • Competency to Proceed

Civil Matters

  • Psychiatric Disability

  • Civil Capacities

red and black round metal
red and black round metal

Evaluations Based in Science

As few as 58.4% of Psychologists use any structured assessment tools in forensic evaluations.* Our standard operating procedure includes reliable use of forensic assessment instruments, ensuring that our evaluations address the functional legal capacities in a valid, reliable, and defensible manner. Moreover, our evaluations specifically focus on the germane legal questions assisting attorneys, judges, and juries with their determinations.

*Neal & Grisso 2014

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer

Rest Assured

Experience predicts confidence, not competence. To assure that our confidence is well-placed, we approach all engagements with the application of reliable principles and methods. From this, we can clearly communicate:

  • what is known (what are the facts we can offer),

  • how do we know (what methods were employed and their scientific under-pinnings), and

  • how much confidence can be placed in that knowledge (what are the known error rates of the methods used).

About us

Pete Adams, PhD is a licensed Psychologist who established Qualified Psychological Evaluators in 2022. After attending enumerable conferences, trainings, and reading countless articles - each noting the need to continue to raise the bar (so to speak) for the specialty of Forensic Psychology - Qualified Psychological Examiners (QPE) was formed to personally take up this challenge. With consultation, collaboration, and encouragement from friends and colleagues across the country - QPE now offers focused, Forensic Psychological Assessments and Consultation.

Get valid, reliable, and defensible evaluations.

Contact us today to learn more.

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